Law of the Relative Dynamic Balance of the Universe (law 4)
Jesus : My children, the Wise Entity of the celestial Father will communicate for the Earth civilization the Law of the Relative Dynamic Balance of the Universe. This law is that which you already know of the Bible and what I taught you; it is the law, which makes possible the "divine justice" for each entity from the verse of the Father.
Wise Entity of the Father : The law of Relative Dynamic Balance applied in the verses of the celestial Father of the Light is one of the fundamental laws of the creation and the government of the verses of the Father. Each entity at its creation is in a place defined by the celestial Father in His Creative Body. Each entity in this place is in a perfect Relative Dynamic Balance compared to the celestial Father, who is the equivalent of 1. The balance of the Father is the balance of each entity during Creation. By entity one understands an incarnated entity, of human, plant, animal, rock, water, air form or larger entities, of planet, galaxy, constellation, solar system type. Each one of these entities is at Creation in a balance equal with 1 compared to the celestial Father. According to the place where the entity is sent in the verses of the Father with a mission of the Father to achieve in this place, the respective entity has a Relative Dynamic Balance valid between certain limits for each separate place. That occurs in this moment, in this second of the Creation of the Father, for all the verses He created. This balance changes in a continual and dynamic way compared to the celestial Father. If the entities expressed by the celestial Father had been able to maintain the component of this balance to the value of 1, then the experiments lived by the entities incarnated in the relative laws of energy alternation between good and bad could have been avoided. In this moment of spiritual evolution of the verses of the Father, each level of evolution is in a Relative Dynamic Balance compared to the celestial Father with values between 0 and 1. The zero value corresponds to the Relative Dynamic Balance compared to the celestial Father that is no longer part of the Laws of the Harmony. The laws of the harmony do not appear entirely for lower values of the Relative Dynamic Balance, which means that you are outside the ordered verses of the Father. You, entities of the Earth, know this thing because you recently made the jump in the verses of the Father, from a system with a harmony of 96%. Now you are in systems which entirely respect and apply the laws of the harmony. For the entity called Earth, the Dynamic Balance Relative compared to the celestial Father has values between 0,1 and 0,2. This scale that I stated to you is for your comprehension. The celestial Father does not measure with units of this type.
Each incarnated entity who lives in a place of the Earth with a Relative Balance like the above mentioned can have and can express Relative Dynamic Balance compared to the celestial Father particular to that place and at that moment it is an entity adapted to the place. If the Relative Dynamic Balance of the respective entity compared to the celestial Father decreases and becomes lower than the value of the Relative Dynamic Balance of the place, the entity will leave in the verses which will enable it to adapt to the Relative Dynamic Balance that it possesses. If there are on Earth entities with higher Relative Dynamic Balance compared to the celestial Father, these entities are there with the mission of the Father, to raise the respective vibration of the place and to continuously generate the two components of equilibrium - of information and of energy, parts of the equilibrium of the place.
What you call "redemption of the soul" means that the Relative Dynamic Balance compared to the celestial Father equalizes with 1. The task of each entity created by the celestial Father is all the time to raise its Relative Dynamic Balance compared to the celestial Father, to raise it without interruption. What you call "divine justice" at the end of the mission in the respective verse is indeed the evaluation by the celestial Father of the Relative Dynamic Balance of each entity towards the celestial Father Creator Itself. At the time when the entity finished its mission on Earth, while evaluating the Relative Dynamic Balance expressed by the respective entity, the entity will be attracted by the verse of the Father which expresses the same Relative Dynamic Balance as the entity does. For you, human beings of the Earth, this means that the entity found its "place of rest". There is the possibility to help an existing incarnated entity with a Relative Dynamic Balance at the lower end of an interval by raising its Relative Dynamic Balance towards that of the celestial Father. It is what you, human beings, call "the entity received a no-claims bonus for a certain mission". If it can use this "no-claims bonus" and for a certain period of terrestrial time it can express this Relative Dynamic Balance that it received artificially, the entity keeps this level of Relative Dynamic Balance. Otherwise, it will turn over to the minimal value and it will be eliminated from the respective layer which has the Relative Dynamic Balance higher than his.
The Virgin Mary:
As you see, My children, the Sage / Wise Entity of the Father stated this Law-principle which directs the verses of the Father in a very simple manner. Now you can easily understand why it is so easy for Divine Justice to estimate and evaluate your evolution in a certain period of time, which means your incarnation in a certain place of the verses of the Father. I want to say that redeeming your soul can occur starting from the level of Relative Dynamic Balance equalizing 0,85; I repeat, like the Sage / Wise Entity of the Father, this is a scale of evaluation build for your comprehension. The problem is not viewed like this in the verses of the Father. We want to render ourselves comprehensible to you, human beings. Once you enter the verses of the Father, you must know and express the specific laws of Its verses.
Thus starting from level 0,85 the celestial Father can grant the "no-claims bonus” to you which will bring your Relative Dynamic Balance to the value of 1. It is the level from which the celestial Father can call you for the redemption of your soul. You understand and sometimes discuss about this Relative Dynamic Balance through the "absolution of sins", which is, in a manner of saying, a component of this balance.